Sunday Poetry: It Is the Discovery that Keeps the Fingers Moving

Welcome to Sunday Poetry.  If this is your first visit you can read about the purpose and inspiration of my Sunday blogs here

Do you like crafts?  Have you found a particular one that helps you to center, to move past the frustration and anxiety of your life to a different plane?  When I found Whittling: The Last Class by John Stone, I felt an immediate connection to the whittler.  He discovers lessons in the wood, lessons that perhaps you have already discovered in different places. 

What is true, or nearly true, or true enough.

Remember, you’re reading here to enhance your moment, your day, your life.  There are no quizzes, no right ways to read or contemplate the poem we share.  No dissecting allowed here.  Just come along for the “read,” and enjoy the experience.  Let the poetry move you wherever it will.  What line or word or thought will you carry along with you this week?  And if you’d like to tell us where the poem took you?  We’d like to listen.

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