Sunday Inspiration: A Daring Adventure

a daring adventureJust to be alive is an adventure, but shouldn’t life be more than that, shouldn’t it be a daring adventure?

Many of us thought about Helen Keller and her inspiring story this week when we learned that actress Patty Duke had died. Remember The Miracle Worker? Remember watching the movie or perhaps the play and wondering what life must have been like for that child, or later for the woman Helen Keller whose own life adventure was daring and stunning in a way we rarely think about adventure.

We don’t have to be mountain climbers or race car drivers for life to be a daring adventure — though that works for some. We can be adventurous in creating loving relationships, in raising beautiful children, in doing well at our jobs or our lives, or even in our spirituality. Patty Duke herself was adventurous in sharing her own personal experiences with bipolar disorder and working hard for mental health causes.

To be daring is to risk stepping beyond our comfort zones with the hope we can discover something new about the world and ourselves. Sometimes we might fall flat on our faces — that’s what risk means — but then we can get right back up and try again.

For me writing is a daring adventure. I may not leave my desk — though I do love poking around in different locations for my research. But my imagination takes me to amazing places where I can try, through the lives and exploits of my characters, brand new possibilities.

What daring adventures do you have planned for the rest of your life? What adventures are behind you? I think we should take a moment and count the ones we’ve already lived or are living right now. It’s okay to be proud of ourselves. After all, isn’t learning to be proud part of the adventure?



  1. Joni on April 3, 2016 at 5:46 am

    Oh how true!! I have to make some really hard decisions on the rest of my career and it’s not an easy task!!

  2. Nancy Lepri on April 3, 2016 at 3:49 pm

    The “daring adventures” I have for the rest of my life it to make sure I remain healthy, try to eat better, exercise more, and be more thankful for my many blessings.

  3. Carol K. on April 3, 2016 at 6:09 pm

    When I think about Helen Keller, I am amazed at what she accomplished in her life without the internet, Web-MD and the medical state of the art tools we have available to us now. Patty Duke is my age, and bipolar disorder was not something identified or talked about in Patty & my early years. Look at what those women achieved in their lives. We have such opportunities in 2016 that weren’t available not that long ago. My “adventure” now is continuing to learn, continuing to connect with those around me, continuing to “pay it forward” and help people with simple acts of kindness. Waking up each day and being able to do those things is an adventure in itself.

  4. Yvonne Cruz on April 4, 2016 at 10:09 am

    I love it !!! I am a believer that we need to live in the moment and make the most of it. Look at the positive side of things, even if they seem they are not. Enjoy your family, your surroundings and the people around you. Everyone is an important human being with likes , dislikes and feelings. Our time in this earth is limited. Lets make the best of it for ourselves and others.

  5. Lynn Ross on April 11, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    First, I see life as a spiritual journey. If I imagine that I’m being interviewed, my life sounds pretty adventurous. I didn’t feel that way as I was living it, however. I have enjoyed the many mountain-top experiences and grown from the views at the bottom of the valleys. Given my personal disposition, I wonder how I survived at times. Now in my senior years, having developed the “attitude of gratitude” along the way, I will continue to take one step at a time as I face the rest of my spiritual journey. After all, “Life is what happens while we are making other plans”. 🙂

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