Sunday Inspiration: Soulmate















“A soulmate should be a person who challenges you to be the best version of yourself, encourages you to live your dreams, tells you when you’re wrong, holds you accountable and reminds you who you are when you’ve forgotten.” — For Goods Sake

Valentine’s Day may have passed, but it’s never too late to celebrate the soulmate in our life.

I’m fortunate to have one in my life, and I hope you have one in your’s.



  1. Eva on February 17, 2019 at 3:44 am

    Fortunately I met mine when I was 4 and he was 9, we married at 24 and 30 and are still together 42 years later.

  2. Donalene Poduska on February 17, 2019 at 7:20 pm

    I met mine when I was a college junior, and he was working on a master’s degree. Two years later we married — that was 60.5 years ago!

  3. Jane Dougherty on February 19, 2019 at 1:53 pm

    We met in our sophomore year of college over an 8:00 zoology lab table. it took several weeks for me to realize he was also in my 8:00 English class. We soon started walking from the dining hall to those 8:00 and eventually started eating breakfast together. It was 4 months before we had our first date and 2 years later we were married. We have been eating breakfast together for 55 years (plus the 2 in the dining hall). He is definitely my soul mate.

    • Emilie Richards on February 19, 2019 at 2:14 pm

      My thanks to everyone who shared their soulmate stories. It’s always uplifting to read/hear about great marriages and satisfying love stories.

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