Sunday Inspiration: “Keep close to Nature’s heart…”

In honor of tQuote from hdwallpapersimagines.comhe Summer Solstice, keep close to nature’s heart:

Summer is the ideal time to enjoy our amazing natural world, but I find immersion in that beauty to be more than enjoyable.

When I feel the pangs of stress, grief, frustration, or anger, I’ve learned, as John Muir counsels here, that walking among green trees or at the edge of the sea, or gazing at the world from a mountain peak washes my spirit clean.

Where do you go to be inspired by nature?


  1. Debbie Haupt on June 22, 2014 at 7:52 am

    Emilie thank you for the bit of inspiration it shows in your writing because you often take your characters to these very places to contemplate, meditate or just breathe

  2. Martha on June 22, 2014 at 8:15 am

    Good morning Emilie, as Debbie said before me, often time your website provides such solace. The French Broad River runs behind a portion of our neighborhood. I can walk down the street past six houses, down a little alleyway, across a five-acre park and watch the “mood” of the river. There is a bench at the river’s edge, placed there by neighbors as a memorial to their daughter who lost her life in a tragic accident. It doesn’t take long for a mood change to occur, from bad to good. I don’t ever remember the opposite effect while meditating on its bank.

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