Sunday Inspiration: “I Can Cope”


I Can Cope by Roger H. Goun on

“I Can Cope”

It happens to all of us from time to time, doesn’t it.

We’re sailing along through life in smooth waters, happy, satisfied, our only worry is what to have for dinner…

And then out of the blue…DISASTER!

Suddenly you’re in a dark hole of sadness, depression, grief, and confusion. And you don’t know how to get out.

Here are Six Skillful Ways to Deal with Disaster by Linda Graham that might help you cope:

1. Count to 10 before reacting…

2. Access memories of resilient coping…

3. Activate the calming branch of your nervous system…

4. Calm jittery neurons through touch…

5. Take time to smell the roses…

6. Find the gift in the mistake…

Be sure to read the entire article, and do it to prepare before disaster strikes.

P.S. How do you cope when disaster strikes?


  1. Lynn Ross on September 21, 2014 at 1:55 pm

    First I depend on the strength of God. Then I place one foot before the other. I do what I can on my own, and I’m never afraid to ask for help. When necessary, I engage the steel fist beneath the velvet glove for I am, after all, a “Steel Magnolia.” 🙂

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