Sunday Poetry: Golden-Buttercup-Wild

Welcome to Sunday Poetry. If this is your first visit you can read about the purpose and inspiration of my Sunday poetry blogs here.

Wow, it’s been hot, right? Maybe not for all of you, but many of you have been suffering under the heaviest hand summer has employed in memory. While our weather here in Western NY has been blessedly cool in the evenings, we’ve “enjoyed” daytime temperatures in the 90s, in houses not built for them. I’ve been forced to remember my childhood in Florida, when air-conditioning was something few of us enjoyed and sweltering June classrooms made concentration nearly impossible.

Summer definitely has its charms, though, doesn’t it? Renowned poet May Sarton writes so beautifully about them in Summer Music. I thought we might need a reminder of summer’s joys as the temperatures continue to climb.

Remember, we read poetry together here for the pure pleasure of the experience. There are no quizzes, no right ways to read or contemplate the poem we share. Absolutely no dissecting allowed. Just come along for the “read.” What line, word or thought will you carry with you this week? If you’d like to tell us where the poem took you? We’ll listen.

Remember, too, there is a special giveaway in progress for those who comment on any Sunday Poetry blog before year’s end.  See the details here.

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