Resolutions or Revolutions?

iStock_000007693258XSmall.jpgI’ll confess, I’m not a huge fan of resolutions.  The word itself lacks punch.  “I resolve to. . .” just sounds lame to me, like something I might decide on my way to the kitchen and forget once I’m there.  “I resolve to eat less, eat more vegetables, drink more water, only eat whole grains, stop eating meat, make all my own yogurt/bread/muesli.”  And by the time I’ve finished the resolution, I’m chowing down on leftover brownies and spareribs so they won’t go to waste.  (Wasn’t that last year’s resolution, not wasting food?)  By the next day I’ve forgotten a resolution ever passed through my head.  Safe until 2010.

Ah, but revolutions?  Those begin with earth shaking revelations, crystal clear moments when we know beyond the shadow of any doubt that things can not continue the way they are and change must occur.

I’ve had a few in my own life.  The moment I knew I wanted to marry my husband and share his life.  The moment I realized that children weren’t just an intellectual construct but a bone deep desire I was going to act upon and soon.  The moment I realized that spending hours each day living in my imagination was as close to bliss as I could possibly come for a career. 

So far my plans for 2009 fall more into the “resolution” category.  Spend more time with friends and family.  Lose that pesky 10 pounds I really don’t need.  Quilt an hour every day no matter what.  Learn Spanish.  Double the steps I take each day.

Here’s the good part.  If I take all those little resolutions, and pay attention to them, they might turn into a revolution, after all.  I might call this the “Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life” revolution, when I begin to treat each moment as if it really is a gift, as my holiday blog entry claimed. 

So here’s my resolution, or revolution.  Paying more attention to the little things that make my life better, and paying less attention to the stuff that doesn’t matter.   

How will I know if this is a resolution or a revolution?  As far as I know there’s only one way.  By how well I stick to it.  

Now, how about you?  Are we in this together?  Let me know.  Revolutions are so much more fun in good company.   


  1. Kathy Flinchbaugh on January 4, 2009 at 6:54 pm

    Emily, I like your idea of resolutions and revolution but I see it in a little different way. Since most of my life I have been overweight and I don’t mean 10 pounds either, my resolution has always been to loose weight. In order for me to keep my resolution I think it would take a Revolution – one that keeps us from getting supplies of food. My dear sweet mom used to tell me that if you had a little extra weight and things got bad (she lived through the depression) you had a little something to go on – I really don’t think she had 10 years in mind when she said that. So this year I am just going to be my happy old self and resolve to quit stressing over the weight unless there is a Revolution. Who knows I may be the last one standing……. Have a great New Year. Kathy

  2. Emilie Richards on January 4, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    Hi Kathy, It sounds to me like the “revolution” here is just becoming comfortable with yourself and not stressing. That’s a change of attitude, and not just something to do. So you’re leading that particular revolution, and I sure do wish you the best.

  3. debbie Haupt on January 15, 2009 at 9:47 am

    I like your resolution on resolutions. I can’t tell you how many times that I have as you made on only to break it within minutes of making it.
    My wish for 2009 is that we can get the economy going again and I can start to recoup some of my losses in my 401K or I might be working until I’m 90 or so.
    Oh and how could I forget I’m impatiently waiting for A Lie for a Lie and revisiting with all my friends in Aggie’s world.
    So here’s wishing you and yours a great 09 and give Nemo a hug from me.

  4. Emilie Richards on January 15, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    Absolutely on those losses, Deb. You, me and so many others. Aggie’s on her way to entertain you, though. Meantime, Nemo’s wagging his tail and I’m sending a return hug.

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