Travels with Emilie

Thumbnail image for mayan girl in chichicastenango.jpgI’ll confess that all I ever need to hear are the words “Do you want to go?” and I’m ready and willing, passport in
hand.  I have yet to take an international trip I wish I hadn’t attempted.  I’m always excited.  At first.  Then the reality sets in.  Exactly “why” did I think this was a good idea?  Exactly “how” did I think I would find the time to go when I have so many deadlines to meet? 

Exactly “who” is going to be willing to take one mischievous beagle puppy for ten endless days?

Somehow, things always fall in place, just as they did this time when I decided to go to Guatemala.  And from each encounter with a new culture, I learn something about myself that I didn’t know before, as well as a lot about this amazing world we live in. 

All of us need new information and experiences to grow.  Writers need an extra helping or our work turns stale and our imaginations run dry.  What better way to receive both than to travel?

So as you read this, I’ve probably just come back to Antigua from Chichicastenango in Guatemala’s highlands, where I visited and enjoyed their famous market.  Most of my trip will already be over, and the stories will be settling into place and shading the writing to come.

I am sure I will be thrilled I made the effort.  And Nemo will be thrilled to see me again.


  1. debbie Haupt on February 16, 2009 at 11:22 am

    What a great place and reason for visiting and I read further to the next item and was thinking of Elisa and her story when I read this thread. So cudos for you to be able to do this and who knows maybe there will be other characters born out of your travels.
    Now onto more fun things.
    I just finished A Lie for a Lie and well of course I loved it!! Aggie never disappoints me in her endeavor and you never disappoint me in your writing and what a novel idea a traveling circus of evangelists. And I caught the little hint at the end about Lucy and a certain adorable detective and may I just say YAHOO!!

  2. Emilie Richards on February 18, 2009 at 9:25 am

    Just got home last night. Thanks to you and my other commenters. I’ll blog very soon about the trip. This one will take a lot of processing.
    I’m so glad you enjoyed A Lie. Now that you’ve read it, be sure to enter the contest. The musical water globe is absolutely darling.

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