Hodgepodge and Spam: But not a recipe

Thumbnail image for Spam.jpgI absolutely promise to be insightful at a later moment.  I’ll be witty and profound, as well–as soon as I remember how.  But in the meantime, a few announcements.  Please, bear with me. 

First, on the beauties of having a Facebook page. The moment I thought I’d figured out how to use this wonderful tool, Facebook decided to throw the proverbial wrench.  They completely changed the look of their pages and how to manage them, and the moment we figure this out, they will change them again.  It’s inevitable. 

But as delightful as I find learning to use new technology (!), they haven’t completely thwarted me.  You can still become my “fan” if you click right here.  For some reason they’ve made it impossible for us to reply to your posts–right folks, that’s a GREAT way to make people love us–but please know if you visit me there, I’ll be reading your stuff and replying in my head, since that’s the only way I can do it right now.  However I will also be sending regular updates.  And. . .

As hard as this is for any amateur photographer to believe, some of you did email to say you wished I’d had room for more photos of my trip last month to Guatemala.  So just to make you happy, and not because I wanted to show off or anything remotely similar, I have downloaded more Guatemala photos to a Facebook photo album, available here

Of course Facebook will undoubtedly find a way to thwart this, as well.  But for now, visit me there for a heartfelt but amateur attempt to convey the beauties of Guatemala.

And, lest this be a blog you might actually have time to read. . . One more thing.  My webmaster has now made it much simpler for you to comment here.  No more test of your ability to read squiggly letters disguised as funny balloon animals or abstract art.  You can simply comment, and I’ll take it from there.  Yes, those cute little spam folks, who have nothing better to do than make life miserable for everybody with a computer, will probably applaud this easier form.  But I thought you deserved to comment without harassment.  Let’s see how it goes.


  1. Joanna Campbell Slan on March 16, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    Emilie, I grabbed an open laptop and sent a couple of “wall-to-wall” comments from my Facebook account, only to discover…uh…it wasn’t my account. I was sending stuff from my husband David’s account. So a few poor confused people were really wondering if I’d lost my cotton-picking mind.
    Which I have.

  2. Emilie Richards on March 16, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    Hmmm. . . Trying to blame that one on Facebook, and having a problem. However if I’m one of the people “David” answered, I’d feel honored.

  3. Pat on March 16, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    Had to laugh when you mentioned those squiggly letters we needed to read when commenting in the past. I addressed that very issue on my blog several days ago. 🙂 As for Facebook, I have a page but I am totally clueless about using it…so I mostly steer clear of it except to confirm long-lost friends who seem to find me there!

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