Which Happiness Key Character Are You Most Like? A Facebook Quiz
Remember the popular movie Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner and Amy Madigan? Well, I don’t. At least not much, just two things, really. One, Field of Dreams was a baseball movie, and while I enjoyed Little League games when my sons were younger, then Cleveland Indian’s games when I lived in Ohio, I prefer my baseball in real life, not on the big screen.
The second thing I remember is: “If you build it, he will come.” The phrase was catchy enough to enter our lexicon, and now we pull it out from time to time when it suits us, although often changing it slightly to serve our purposes.
Apparently “If we build it, they will come,” is the Facebook motto. Because Facebook is supremely fond of building “applications” to enhance the pleasures of their members, sell more ads, and generally assume worldwide control of cognitive functioning.
I actually love my Facebook page, and love the generous wealth of applications, as well. I’ve only just begun to explore the possibilities. But last week, my assistant and I couldn’t resist trying the quiz application.
The result is a new quiz titled: Which Happiness Key Character Are You Most Like?
Here’s the fun part. All you have to do is answer eight questions–and the quiz is multiple choice with no wrong answers–then Facebook will determine which character you most resemble, and as a thank you, send you a description of the character along with a color photograph.
But the fun never stops around here. In addition to finding out a bit more about the novel, if you take the quiz and email me your result, then you’ll be entered in a giveaway. In early October we’ll do a drawing for each character, and the winner in each category will receive an autographed copy of Happiness Key, plus a key lime pie candle in a glass lidded jar.
So find out if you’re most like Tracy, Wanda, Janya or Alice. And if you don’t want to take the quiz on Facebook, email me and I’ll make sure you get a copy. It won’t be quite as cool, but it will get the job done.
Oh, did you notice that the subject line of this blog has “Happiness” in it? That means you can comment on this blog entry to enter the other contest for Happiness Key, all details on my contest page. I told you the fun never stops. Now, do you believe me?
I’m now a fan on your facebook page.
I took the quiz and I am Janya. She sounds way more exotic than I am.
I am jayna and am a follower on facebook and goodreads 🙂
Thanks, Tara Jo. I’m Janya, too. Come to think of it, since I wrote the book, I guess I’m everybody. 🙂
I’m most like Tracy.
And I love Facebook, even though I came to it kicking and screaming. I kept hearing that “you have to have a presence on Facebook for your business,” and I kept saying “you’ve got to be kidding, when am I going to have time for that,” and finally I said “fine, I guess I’ll go see what the fuss is all about.” And much to my surprise, I ended up having a lot of fun, and met a lot of really wonderful people I might not have met otherwise. And as for the business part, yes, it has been good for business 🙂
I’m most like Janya also! Can’t wait to read the book to read all about her and her friends! Happiness to me is a great read on the beach, which Emilie always provides. Many thanks!
I took the quiz and I’m most like Wanda.
Just be sure to email me that info so I can tuck it away in my contest folder.
I’ve never written a better “beach” book. Enjoy and thanks.
Happiness is a new Emilie
Richards book. I’ve read all the others!
Linda in IL
Music to an author’s ears. Thanks, Linda.
I took the quiz and I am Jayna. Now you have me curious to read the book!!!
I am happy when I am walking with God. Everything else comes together with Him at the helm.
Thank you for the contest!
I signed up on Facebook a while ago and haven’t been back since…well, that is until I took your quiz!
I’m signed up for facebook but just can’t seem to get with it. My God and my family are what makes me happy.
Hi Emilie. What makes me happy? My 7 kids all around me. For my birthday, they bought me a journal with an antique map covering it. They are to each periodically leave me notes, and not read others’ notes, so that wherever they are in the world, I will know they are safe because of what I have instilled in them.
They wanted me to know that I am always in their hearts. Oh, the tears flowed when they gave me that, you can bet!
Here’s hoping I win something.
Love your writing.
~anna in MD, right near my hometown of DC
Lovely Anna, to be so affirmed by your children. Thanks for sharing.
they say I’m like Wanda, can’t wait to read the book and see if maybe we were separated at birth or something. 😉
Thanks Emilie
I love your books!! I am most like Alice! I think I am happiest when I’m with my family–especially the grandkids!
i took the quiz and im also Jayna and i didnt realize how much im like her till i reread the discription
to me tho happyness is everythingthe beauty of life and love the feeling u get when u see an infant or hear a baby’s first words how ur S/O looks at you how the suns hines or the moon glows everything with out love tho happyness would be bleak and dull s o my center is my better half and our children with out him i wouldnt have them tho so hes the center they r the center of the center of that makes sence
What makes me happy? Spending time with my best friend, just hanging out together. We married in 1980, and I still can’t get enough of him. He’s my rock, and I’m his.
My happiness is hearing “Mommy.”
happiness to me is when i am able to read or listen to a book on tape.
Sue took the Which Happiness Key character are you most like? quiz and the result is Janya.
I am happy that I am now a fan of yours on facebook.
Reading a good book like yours, hugging my daughter and grandchildren, petting my cats all make me happy!
I am a computer illiterate and can’t find your Happiness Key character quiz, but I’m going to our book store and getting Happiness Key asap! Thanks for lots of great hours reading excellent books!
I’m going to take the quiz – sounds like fun! Thanks, Emilie, for giving us all a break from the reality of our everyday lives. Sometimes, I believe reading saves my sanity.
I’m most like Tracy. Not sure about that! I’ve never had the expensive jewelry and luxury items in her life, but I love her character. And I love your books Emilie. I’ve read most of them and I’m excited to get this one. I wrote you a year or two ago when I first discovered you. You are definitely my favorite author. Thanks for what seems to be yet another awesome Emilie Richards book. I’m so excited. Please enter me in the contest as well. How fun!
You’re very welcome, Debbie. And after you read Happiness Key, you’ll have to let us know “how” you are like Tracy.
Took the quiz, but haven’t found out who I’m most like. Must have done something wrong. Oh, well it was fun.
Once you take the quiz, hit submit. On the next page right under the header it says something like “continue to results.” You don’t have to add friends or publish your results. Just click there and it will take you to the screen that tells you which one you’re most like. Good luck.
finally figured out how to get the result of the quiz. I’m an Alice. Since I’m doing these comments backwards, I can say I read her backstory and am happy with the comparison.