And The Winners Are . . .
Congratulations to Kitty of Plaquemine, Louisiana, who won an autographed copy of The Four Seasons by Mary Alice Monroe in a random drawing from commenters on my January 23rd blog about Mary Alice’s booksigning at the Sanibel Island Bookshop.
Congratulations to two winners in the book-to-movie contest on my February 11th Wild Blue Yonder blog. I promised one prize, but as one reader pointed out, I’d actually given the answer to this question in a Facebook post. So I’ve let choose between the two winners who’d clearly read that post, then to be fair, among the others who hadn’t, for a second prize. Can you tell I had four children?
So congratulations to Carolyn and Donna, who win the paperback novels of their choice–if I have them to give away–and a fragrant wineberry drawer sachet from Pacifica Skincare of New Zealand.
And the novel I saw filmed? Sweet Georgia Gal, one of my oldies but goodies. I’ll be blogging about that tomorrow, so stay tuned.