A Truth For A Truth–Why You Don’t Want to Live in A Small Ohio Town

Aggie Sloan-Wilcox is at it again.

For those of you’ve yet to meet Aggie?  Aggie is the sleuth in my Ministry is Murder series, a minister’s wife who seeks justice with the same enthusiasm with which her scholarly husband seeks enlightenment.  Aggie always seems to be around when the going gets rough for somebody  in the small town of Emerald Springs, Ohio.  If people weren’t sure about this young woman when she arrived–a free-spirit with odd notions of what’s expected and two highly precocious daughters–they are even less sure as time goes by.  Because Aggie seems to attract murderers.

Aggie has consented to an interview with me later this month, in honor of the publication of A Truth for a Truth, book five of the series.  But before we get to that?  Several months ago on Facebook my readers and I spent some time concocting limericks in honor of National Poetry Week.  I thought this one featuring Aggie herself, written by the talented Kay Myhrman-Toso, was priceless.  Kay managed to get in something important about each book.  If you didn’t know Aggie before you dive into it, you’ll know her well afterwards.  If you did, enjoy figuring out which books Kay refers to.

As for the cover ?  A wee snafu somewhere during production means this cover is not as dark and forboding as we’d hoped. But I think it still catches the eye.  I hope both the cover and Kay’s limerick send you on a search for Aggie’s next tale.

From Kay with my thanks:

There once was a woman who did find
Dead bodies, such a head-shaking grind
Poor Aggie, Oh dear…
How will this appear
to church folk: she’s in quite a bind.

Her husband, Ed Wilcox, you see
Is pastor of the church, CCC
It’s really a mess
Will the killer confess
Or away from Roussos try to flee?

Junie Bluebird is some kind of saint
Her surprises? Might make Aggie faint
This Ginger’s not spice
Don’t mistake her for nice
Aggie’s party she managed to taint.

Poor Deena, the long suffering tween
“How could you?!”, to dad she does keen
“I can’t hold up my head
I’d rather be dead!
Your sermon – it really felt mean!”

No frosting on angels, I fear
“They’re not real”, Teddy chimes, “this is clear!”
“Reading Borg’s such a thrill
I can hardly sit still
‘Til on seminary’s door I appear!”

What’s next, for our Aggie and crew?
Will a murder pop out of the blue?
We’ll just have to wait
And hope it’s not late
The “Truth” is our one-and-only clue!


  1. Debbie Haupt on September 15, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Emilie, thanks for sharing the limerick it’s great and I’ll be the first in line for Aggie’s new tale.

  2. Joan Hadac on September 18, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    I am absolutely thrilled that another Ministry is Murder book is coming out! I’ve missed Aggie! She is one of my favorite characters. I love reading about her and her adventures. The limerick is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

    • Emilie Richards on September 19, 2010 at 6:58 am

      Debbie and Joan, so glad you’re Aggie fans. I love her, too.

  3. Kay Pealstrom on June 10, 2016 at 6:42 pm

    I love this series and hope you will continue writing about Aggie – I know it has been 6+ years since it was released – but I laughed so hard reading them, my friend got interested…and she doesn’t like to read! She has flown through the books and looking for more.

    I have a very stress-filled job at a community college, I took these books to read at break and my lunch and was laughing so hard people kept following the laughter until they found where it was coming from. Definitely helped me through ‘peak weeks’ — now everyone is checking their library and more than a few couldn’t wait for the 2nd book and hooked up with Amazon.

    Love love love these books – please keep writing them!!

    • Emilie Richards on June 10, 2016 at 6:46 pm

      Wonderful comment, Kay. If I do write another it will be independently published. But I do have another idea and maybe someday before too long I’ll find the time. Thank you for taking the time to let me know how much you enjoyed the series.

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