Peaches-And-Cream Ice Cream: Have CHU Entered This Month’s Giveaway?

I’m amazed at how many silly kitchen gadgets there are.  I had no idea.  This weekend I had the time of my life ordering enough to give away one each month for our CHU winners, along with an autographed paperback of the winner’s choice–if available.  This month’s winner gets the Joie Mashy Egg Masher, a hit on Amazon.  If you like guacamole, apparently it’s just the thing to mash avocados, too.  Can you resist a chance to win?

August’s giveaway closes tomorrow at midnight.  Here are the rules, in case you’ve forgotten.  In a nutshell–eggshell in honor of Mashy–you must make a recipe from a cookbook you haven’t used in a year.  Either a new one you haven’t tried before, or an old one that’s been sitting in a shelf, or worse, in a box.  You don’t have to send the recipe, just comment here with the name of the recipe and cookbook, what you did or didn’t like about either or both and anything fun you think we’d like to hear.  One entry per comment.  We’ll be doing this for the next several months at least, so you still have time to win.

August is a great month for ice cream.  Here in Western New York it’s also a fabulous month for fresh peaches.  Years ago I bought an ice cream freezer, not the easy to use countertop variety, but the one that requires rock salt and crushed ice.  Luckily I didn’t go further and buy the kind that requires kid power.  There are no kids in residence this month.  So ours requires electricity.  Still, this is surprisingly simple to do, and such fun.  It’s also, like many of my cookbooks, in need of more frequent usage.  In honor of CHU I used an old edition of Cooking Light, which I told you about before,  and chose Peaches-and-Cream Ice Cream, which made enough for approximately one million people.  Luckily this is a cottage community and there are always people sitting on front porches ready to eat any dessert a neighbor offers.

The recipe was yummy and surprisingly healthy except for the four egg yolks.  My only problem?  Peaches-and-Cream Ice Cream calls for almond extract, which enhances the peach flavor.  Did you know that extracts now come in plastic bottles?  I didn’t.  When I went to measure out the almond extract–foolishly over the container of ice cream–I mistakenly squeezed.  We had VERY almondy peach ice cream.  It wasn’t ruined, but it wasn’t improved, either. 

Watch these new extract bottles and measure over an empty counter.

So, if it’s still warm wherever you are, and you have ripe peaches and an ice cream freezer, this one’s for you.

Peaches-and-Cream Ice Cream, adapted from Cooking Light Cookbook, 2000–out of print.

Preparation Time: 45 minutes.  Chill Time: 1 hour.  Freeze Time: 1 hour

5 cups of 1 percent low-fat milk, divided.  I used a combination of milk, non-fat half and half and a little heavy cream, because that’s what I had.
4 large egg yolks
4 cups of mashed peeled ripe peaches (approximately 8 peaches)
2 Tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 Tablespoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (watch out!)
2 14 ounce cans of fat-free condensed milk (this provides the sweetness along with the peaches.)

Rock salt and ice for ice cream freezer, if you’re doing this the traditional way.

Prepare mix:  Combine 2 1/2 cups of milk and egg yolks in a heavy saucepan and whisk constantly over medium heat.  If you have a thermometer, heat to about 180 degrees, if not, cook until it thickens, perhaps as long as 20 minutes.  Don’t let it boil and don’t stop whisking.  This is not the time to make a phone call.

Combine slightly cooled egg yolk mixture with remaining ingredients and chill.  You want this nice and cold and of course, you can make it early in the day and freeze it in your ice cream maker later in the afternoon.  Just be sure you allow enough time for an additional hour or so in your refrigerator’s freezer, too.

Once chilled, pour into the freezer can of your ice-cream freezer and follow your manufacturer’s directions.   You can eat it now, but it will be a soupy soft-serve consistency.  If you prefer a more traditional ice cream, spoon this into a freezer container and freeze in your refrigerator’s freezer for about an hour.

This fed my neighborhood, or  more accurately, about 24 1/2 cup servings–a gallon plus.

This may be your final taste of summer.  Enjoy!


  1. julie barrett on August 30, 2011 at 9:00 am

    we just lost our 2 half gallons of ice cream and a bunch of drumsticks (we shop at a club store), but that’s ok we are safe from the hurricane that went through. i love kitchen gadgets myself but tend to only use my most loved ones often LOL

    • Emilie Richards on August 30, 2011 at 9:03 am

      And then we have a drawer full of gadgets we love and never use. Maybe we need a Gadget Hoarder’s Unlimited, too? I’m sorry about your goodies, but glad you’re safe.

  2. JoAn GODFREY on August 30, 2011 at 9:18 am

    This isn’t really a new recipe, but I haven’t made it in YEARS, and it is made from my mother’s AMERICAN WOMAN’S COOKBOOK, copyright 1943. 800+ pages with lots of information in the WARTIME COOKERY section. This recipe is for FEATHER DUMPLINGS. I LOVE them, my hubby not so much. These are a cake type texture, not the doughy noodle kind. I made them in a pot of chicken broth filled with the meat of a whole cooked chicken. Served with green beans and a salad. It was always one of my favorite meals as a kid.
    I love this cookbook, too. It even has a recipe for peanut butter pie my mother wrote in the back of the book. I don’t remember ever having that pie though. May have to try it.

    • Emilie Richards on August 30, 2011 at 10:07 am

      These sound like the ones I make. Homemade chicken and dumplings is one of our favorite family meals, but I’ll confess that after years of making my dumplings from scratch, I honestly believe the Bisquick version is just as good, and the Wegman’s baking mix version is even better. I love your cookbook and bet that Wartime Cookery section is interesting. How to make do with less. Maybe something we need now?

  3. Kathy Cousins on August 30, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    From “Greece: Mediterranean Cuisine” cookbook I had not previously used, I made Beef Capama and Pilau Rice and would make it again. It includes beef chuck, onions, garlic, great seasonings, ripe tomatoes. Maybe more a cool-weather dish but using vine ripened tomatoes only available in the Mid-Atlantic in the summer definitely enhanced it. I really liked the combination of seasonings (cloves, cinnamon stick, bay leaves and orange peel). The rice recipe was good; I learned to fry the uncooked rice before adding liquid.

    • Emilie Richards on August 30, 2011 at 3:53 pm

      Boy, does that sound fabulous! I might need that cookbook. Thanks for trying it and telling us.

  4. Nancy Badertscher on August 31, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    A second recipe from the Atlanta Natives’ Favorite Recipes cookbook that I mentioned earlier. This time I made Rich’s Pecan Pie. Don’t remember when I have made a pecan pie, but I thought this would be a good one to start with. The recipe says that it has been a favorite for over 50 years and is still being sold in Rich’s Bake Shops. The woman submitting it, Mrs Sanford S. Lavine (Dorothy Weiner) was the executive secretary to Richard H. Rich, and submitted it in his name. Well, as you Southerners know, Rich’s is no more, having been taken over by Macy’s in 2005. This cookbook was published in 1975, when Rich’s was still THE department store around here as far as I was concerned.

    I think I need to discuss this recipe with Wanda! It called for boiling together light corn syrup, brown sugar and butter (well, it called for margarine, but I used butter). Cool that completely then slowly add it to 3 eggs, vanilla and 1 T flour that you have creamed for 3-4 minutes. Mix for 2 minutes on low and pour over 1 c. of pecans in an unbaked pie shell. Bake at 360 for approx 40 min or until the center is firm. OK, so I think I probably failed at the cool completely part, and slowly adding part – that was hard to do with a hand-held mixer, but that’s all I have. Probably needed to cool the boiled mixture even more, then it might not have clumped so much at the bottom of the bowl when I mixed it with the egg mixture. Then there was the baking part. At 40 minutes it was all still pretty wiggly, 10 minutes later still somewhat wiggly. Another 5 minutes and the crust was getting pretty brown so I took it out. I’ve kept it in the fridge, but need to let it sit out for awhile before cutting it. The taste, in spite of my issues with it is delicious!! Hubby was very happy with it and is looking forward to next month when I try more new recipes from another forgotten cookbook!

    It’s been fun reading about others recipes too. Peach ice cream, feather dumplings and the Greek beef and rice dish – yummm!

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