Just For Fun–Il Profumo del Mare and other delights

I have a problem.  I hate to throw out books.  You may think this is a non-issue, since it’s easy enough to donate them to church or library sales, throw them on a card table at a garage sale, give them to friends.  But the truth is, I have books most people I know can’t read. 

I have books in Italian, like this truly gorgeous version of Fortunate Harbor.

I have books in Lithuanian (that took me quite a while to figure out) like the lovely version of Endless Chain below right.  And, most startling of all, I have Fox River in Swedish, a two-for-one bargain with Nora Roberts–let’s face it, that can’t hurt sales, right?  In fact I received an entire box of the Swedish Fox River.  Nora and me, sitting in the middle of my study, just waiting to be pitched into my recycling bin.

Only I just can’t quite do it.

Oddly enough this summer I received a small box of my Swedish books at my summer address.  No sooner had I gotten the courage to toss them than I met a woman who was (you can’t make this stuff up) an organizer of a Scandinavian Folk Festival in Jamestown, NY and badly needed door prizes.  How this came up in conversation, I can’t remember, but she was one step ahead of garbage pickup.

So maybe someone will tell me they need a novel to help practice their Italian.  Or quite possibly a Lithuanian family will move into my neighborhood and I’ll have a built-in welcome gift.  Heck, maybe I’ll just drag that entire box of Fox River back to NY for next year’s Scandinavian Festival, where the books will be richly appreciated.

Meantime, while I’m waiting for another miracle, don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for a while.  It’s nothing serious.  I just can’t cross the floor to get to my computer.

Just for fun, can you guess the English title of the cover on the right?  I only know which book it is because I recognize the names of the characters, which thankfully weren’t changed.  But without that clue, care to try?   The title in French is: Le temps d’un été. 


  1. Becky on October 14, 2011 at 9:38 am

    It’s the Wedding Ring… one of my favorite books. (I had a little help with Amazon and Google Translator. They called the book A Time for a Summer.

    • Emilie Richards on October 17, 2011 at 3:42 pm

      Good for you, Becky. The French version is yours if you’d like it. Just email me your address. Good sleuthing.

  2. Liz on October 14, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    I’ve donated books to this group back when first started by Navy personnel who tucked boxes in odd corners of deploying ships. It’s grown. http://www.parole-rotary.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=860689&module_id=34726

    Other bloggers who might have suggestions are: http://detectivesbeyondborders.blogspot.com/ — I’m emailing your blog to Peter

    As to English language books, this group sends to deployed service personnel (learned about via SOS Aloha): http://www.operationpaperback.org/help_volunteer.php

  3. Marna on October 24, 2011 at 5:18 am

    This made me smile.

    Wonder if there are any expat women’s groups in the DC area who would like a box of books for door prizes or book clubs?

    • Emilie Richards on October 24, 2011 at 9:33 pm

      A great idea, except for finding them. Wonder where to look.

      Thought about you during the demonstrations in Rome. I knew you were there, and hope you avoided that bit of “sightseeing” although it would definitely have been an education for the kids, right?

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