A Sneak Preview of One Mountain Away

Shhh. . . Don’t tell anybody, but I’ve just updated my website and added all new pages about the upcoming release of One Mountain Away.  You can find an overview, my inspiration, praise from fellow authors and reviewers, an excerpt, book discussion questions, even a recipe.  We had hoped to have an entirely new website to launch this book, but moving put quite a kink in that plan.  So my webmaster has updated my original site and will tackle the new one later in the year.  Meantime enjoy all the new content, with more to come this week.

And speaking of things to enjoy?  Don’t forget that my Seventy Book Giveaway, celebrating the launch of this, my 70th book, is still in progress.  It’s not too late to enter, but one entry per reader, please, and only North American addresses because of postage expenses.  Congratulations to Emily Murphy and Linda Sullivan, who won book packages this past week.

Since I hate limiting giveaways to North America, readers everywhere can enter another giveaway for a signed copy of poet Billy Collins’s new volume of poetry, Horoscopes for the Dead.    Rules for that one here.

I’m nearing the end of my first draft of the second novel in the Goddesses Anonymous series, Somewhere Between Luck and Trust, with my deadline a bit too close for comfort.  So back to those pages.  Don’t forget to return here on Friday for the next sneak preview of One Mountain Away.  If you’re ready for the real thing, don’t forget the book will be waiting for you on August 1st, at your favorite bookstore.


  1. Becky on July 24, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    I’ve been intrigued by all of the sneak peaks I can’t wait to read it it sounds like a wonderful story filled with characters that aren’t perfect that’s what I love about your books.

    • Emilie Richards on July 24, 2012 at 3:38 pm

      I love writing about people who change and grow, and I’m glad you like reading about them.

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