Sunday Poetry: Within a Lattice of Time

Welcome to Sunday Poetry. If this is your first visit you can read about the purpose and inspiration of my Sunday poetry blogs here.

After putting up my book trailer on Friday I decided we needed a poem that was reminiscent of that mountain scenery.  I found Parker’s Mountain by Kate Knapp Johnson to share with you.  And what a lovely find it is.  Do you remember being poised on the brink of adolescence?  Breath held, cocooned in childhood?  Do you remember seeing the world through different eyes?

Remember, we read poetry together here for the pure pleasure of the experience. There are no quizzes, no right ways to read or contemplate the poem we share. Absolutely no dissecting allowed. Just come along for the “read.” What line, word or thought will you carry with you this week? If you’d like to tell us where the poem took you? We’ll listen.

Remember, too, there is a special giveaway in progress for those who comment on any Sunday Poetry blog before year’s end.  See the details here.


  1. Pam Reed on August 12, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    wow – this was me. Only I was eleven and it was my father.

  2. Amy C on August 13, 2012 at 12:50 am

    Reminds me of my second summer in Tennessee…finally settling in, spending time with friends and experiencing the amazing sights and sounds so different from the tiny Illinois farm town I moved from.

  3. Wanda on August 13, 2012 at 1:00 pm

    The poem makes me think of Alaska with bears a trash cans.

  4. Dale Harcombe on August 16, 2012 at 7:32 pm

    I loved some of the imagery in this poem especially the grandmother sweeping the porch clean and pushing her grief under the railings like wisps of an old bird’s nest.Thanks for sharing this poem which was new to me.

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