Asheville Snapshots

Most of you know I’m traveling south to look for a new home. We are temporary vagabonds as we decide just where to live next. Right now we’re in Asheville, North Carolina, home of the Goddesses Anonymous novels and even more important for me, one of my three sons. Galen is a photographer here, and yesterday we did a photo shoot, hopefully to get a new homepage photo for upcoming website revisions. Galen is also the creator of my book trailer for One Mountain Away, and most of the photos of Asheville in it are his own.

Today’s photos, though, are my husband’s and mine. We took a day to wander downtown and thought you might enjoy wandering with us a bit. Some of these scenes will be familiar if you’re read One Mountain Away.

Remember Maddie enjoying an afternoon at Splashville in Downtown Asheville? Here t’is. Wouldn’t you enjoy this on a hot summer afternoon?


This is the site of the restaurant where Ethan and Charlotte once listened to Bluegrass music, now a fun restaurant and bar near City Hall.


Love this downtown city sculpture, and the next one, too.


Downtown wildlife.


Here’s Asheville’s lovely City Hall.


Hope you enjoyed the local scenery.  Stay tuned for the Biltmore Estate, coming to this page soon.


  1. Kelly on September 27, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    Lovely pictures, thank you so much for sharing them with us! 🙂

  2. Sandra Gwynn on September 27, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    What a pretty area. Thanks for sharing the photos.

    • Emilie Richards on September 27, 2012 at 4:50 pm

      You would love it, Sandra. Everybody has a well-behaved dog.

  3. Lynn Ross on September 27, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    I really enjoyed the pictures, Emilie, especially the sculptures. Toledo has them and I never tire of looking at them.

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