The View From My Window on”Happiness Key”

For fun today, and because I’m busily unpacking with little worth saying except “hand me the box cutters,” I thought I’d share a few photos from our new home.

We now live on a SW Florida waterway, not quite a lake, nor exactly a pond, looking over a state park.  The bird life is extraordinary, and every morning since moving here we’ve gotten up before dawn to sit on our lanai and watch our new feathered friends arrive or depart for the day.  The birds change from day to day.  I’m sharing just a few of my husband’s recent photos, plus a video of Whistling Duckling escapades yesterday.

I hope you enjoy.

The female Anihinga on the left has adopted a patch of reeds just across from our house and can usually be found there. Even a curious Wood Stork doesn’t faze her.


The Great Blue Heron is a gorgeous bird, and not easy to ignore.  They can be 4 to 5 ft. tall, with a wing span of 5-6 feet. They very definitely catch our attention just by being there.



Another large bird standing 3 to 4 feet tall, Wood Storks seem to enjoy each other’s company. When we first arrived we saw Wood Stork parades each morning, sometimes as many as 7 lumbering along the waterfront together. But this photo of our neighbor’s roof at twilight is my favorite.


And finally a duckling bathing frenzy yesterday which my husband caught on video.  This family is adorable.  But there’s also an alligator who sometimes cruises past our yard.  We’re hoping the ducklings escape his notice.  They’re growing so fast, I’m hopeful.

My study window looks over the waterway.  Will that make me more or less creative?  I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


  1. Lynn Ross on December 5, 2012 at 3:05 am

    Beautiful! I’m so happy for you all.

  2. Sandy on December 5, 2012 at 11:08 am

    What a great way to start your day! The ducklings are so cute. You have quite a variety of birds.
    I can spend all day watching the wildlife outside our windows. I believe they are more inspiring, so I am sure you will feel more creative.

  3. Dianne DeLay on December 7, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Very peaceful!

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