Hit By the Moving Truck–Metaphorically Speaking

I’m still unpacking, and I also have yet another go round on my edits for Somewhere Between Luck and Trust.  This time I’m reading through the final copy, which is fun but time consuming.  I get to fix what I don’t like about the edits, and these days I can do it right online.  The whole process is like putting a puzzle–a very complex 3-D puzzle with many components–together.

So today I’ll leave you with the photo of yet another resident in our new backyard, or more specifically the waterway just beyond it.  Did you know that according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, alligators and dinosaurs evolved from a common ancestor, one they share with other reptiles? So, although alligators are classified as reptiles along with lizards, snakes, and turtles, they are actually more closely related to birds, whose direct ancestors were dinosaurs.

See a beak or wings on this guy?  Personally I think he’s pretty cute, but we’re keeping Nemo on a leash, in case you’re worried, and away from the water.

Thanks to Michael McGee for the wildlife photos.  These days he’s never very far from a camera.


  1. Dee Winter on December 7, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Wow! what a great place, but I’d be kind of leery of that fellow in the picture also. No table scraps for him that’s for sure. Wouldn’t want to encourage him to become more friendly.

    • Emilie Richards on December 7, 2012 at 10:20 am

      Keeping a respectful distance. And he’s a shy guy anyway.

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