Sunday Inspiration: Lady On A Trike

Here’s adt.common.streams.StreamServer.clsn inspirational story that combines my love for books with my love for New Orleans, which was once my home.

Laurence Copel knows in her heart that no matter where they live and no matter who they are, children need books to feed their minds and spirits.

So she rides her oversize tricycle with the front loaded with books through the 9th Ward in New Orleans giving books to children.

You might remember the 9th Ward as the community worst hit by Hurricane Katrina, and it’s a community that has long suffered from poverty.

I especially like what one of the volunteers who works with Copel says, “The program not only improves their reading skills, it also allows a place for imagination and creativity to grow.”

Be sure to read the rest of the story here.

Photo from The New Orleans Advocate


  1. Debbie Haupt on June 19, 2014 at 11:16 am

    A Great inspiration. Thanks Emilie

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