Fiction Friday: Horror Stories from the Book Tour Life
Welcome to Fiction Friday.
I’m in my last week of programming at Chautauqua Institution and scurrying around to do everything and see everyone before the season ends and we all begin to pack. I’m also making headway on the new book in progress and believe I’ll strike while the iron is hot.
Instead of my usual interviews and excerpts, I thought I’d share another author’s wonderful account of the book tour life.
Horror Stories from the Book Tour Life is online at The Daily Beast. Short and sweet, this will start your day with a smile. Trust me, though, none of my readers have ever asked questions quite like these.
Happy reading, and if any authors are in town, please visit their signings and tell them how much you loved their books!
Wonderful article! I am going to share it with my book club. :o). Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Emilie. What a hoot. And I don’t doubt a word of that. As a retiree and a volunteer at a National Historic site in this area and at our local library – well, most people would not believe what comes out of the mouths of the public. My book club met this morning. We discussed “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.” Sunday afternoon the group is going on a field trip to hear Wiley Cash, a NC author, speak and sign. Enjoy your weekend.