Sunday Inspiration: The 9 Nanas

SingleGiftPackageSnapshot2Want a true life Goddesses Anonymous story? Very, very anonymous?

From Thirty years ago nine women decided to do their own laundry and use the money they saved from sending it out to help people in need. They paid utility bills for those who couldn’t afford it, they dropped off food for people who were having a hard time, they gave gifts to pick up the spirits of those who were grieving.

And everything they did was anonymous. No one ever knew who had done these unexpected acts of kindness — not even their husbands. Yes, for thirty years these nine nanas cooked and delivered meals, drove through low income communities looking for people in need, reached out to friends, neighbors, and strangers, and their husbands had no idea what they were doing. I know, either their husbands were idiots or these nine nanas should be working for the CIA.

When the husbands finally did discover their secret, they pitched in as well. And their children became consultants, advising them on how to start a successful bakery business to make money for their ever expanding projects (here’s their website if you want some delicious pound cake).

The next time you’re in a conversation with someone who loudly laments the terrible acts of violence and prejudice in our world, I hope you’ll inspire them with the story of the 9 Nanas. Then discuss ways both of you can build on their kindness and generosity.

Do you know anyone who might be a 10th Nana?


  1. Eva Maria on July 19, 2015 at 2:56 am

    Thanks for this wonderful story.

  2. Patricia Middelmann on July 19, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Fantastic and uplifting on this Sunday morning!

  3. Marsha Markham on July 19, 2015 at 8:33 am

    This shows how everyone can do something… it doesn’t take a lot of money to accomplish things and a little act of kindness brightens a person’s outlook on life…and can start a ripple effect. Have a wonderful Sunday…thanks for the post.

    • Nana Pearl on August 17, 2015 at 9:33 am

      Marsha, you’re absolutely correct. It only takes one somebody and it doesn’t necessarily take a substantial investment to make a difference.

      Nana Pearl

  4. Rexanne on July 19, 2015 at 11:08 am

    Wonderful story to set the mind straight. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Linda on July 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    Great post. Thanks!

  6. Meyrill on July 20, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    I just love your stories. This one was inspiring

  7. Nana Pearl on August 17, 2015 at 9:32 am


    It just came to our attention that you’d featured us. Dear, I haven’t a clue how you learned about us, but thanks for sharing our journey with your audience.

    Much obliged,

    Nana Pearl

    • Emilie Richards on August 17, 2015 at 10:24 am

      We were so excited to learn about the Nine Nanas. Everything you’re doing is exactly the kind of thing the women in my Goddesses Anonymous series might do. So finding real life Goddesses was just a joy. Planning a bit more promotion for the Nine Nanas in the future. We love you.

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