Sunday Inspiration: What makes you come alive?

Come alive

So, what makes you come alive?

Perhaps it’s cooking or raising children. Maybe it’s traveling or your job or maybe even changing the world.

I became a novelist because writing makes me come alive. I love creating characters who discover what makes them come alive, then watching them leap off the pages.

What brings you to life? Do you have a way to do more of it? Can you make choices that make you feel even more alive? I’ll be thinking about that this week. After all, we each have one life. Why not live it to the fullest and in the process motivate others to do the same? Happiness and fulfillment are catching.


  1. Ellie Cammer on August 23, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    I’ve asked myself at various times ….”what gives me joy?”
    so I resonate with your question, What makes you come alive? And if the JOY/ALIVENESS is absent it is time to make a shift/change. That joy/aliveness is catching, too.

  2. Janet on August 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    Something to think about! I felt excited as I was reading this! I am limited as to what I can do, but I will mull it over.

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