Sunday Inspiration: Gratitude

I know that Thanksgiving is still a few days away, but this beautiful, inspiring, incredible video and meditation is a way to prepare yourself for the holiday.

I’m looking forward to enjoying family, food, and some foolishness on Thanksgiving Day, but in the chaos sometimes the thankfulness part gets lost.

If you watch this video, you can’t help but be overwhelmed with a deep sense of gratitude for this day and every day, for every day is a blessing beyond measure.

I wish for you a Thanksgiving filled with happiness and gratitude.


  1. Martha O'Quinn on November 22, 2015 at 8:14 am

    Thank you Emilie. A wonderful beginning to “this day” that I have been given. Sending wishes to you and your family for a blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Terry Guerra on November 23, 2015 at 12:38 am

    This touched my heart. Thank you Emilie, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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