Sunday Inspiration: The Grand Finale
“Fall has always been my favorite season, the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if Nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” -Lauren Destenfano
I love living in Florida, but I miss the colors and cooler temperatures of autumn. I did spot one fallen leaf the other day with patches of color. The little leaf clung tenaciously to our lanai screen, as if to say, “See what you’re missing?” While I suspect the patches of yellow were more bug infestation than cooling weather, it still made me homesick.
We’ve enjoyed such beautiful falls in places where we’ve lived: Cleveland, Ohio, Arlington and Roanoke, Virginia, Meadville, Pennsylvania.
There’s something about autumn that is so fresh and cleansing. It seems to wash away the clutter of summer, the rambunctious schedules we keep, the rush to see far away family and new vistas. Fall means hunkering down, appreciating the lives we lead, scuffing our feet through piles of leaves on rambling walks with no particular destination.
Wherever you live, may this fall be a season of simplicity and solitude, a time of beauty and joy.
We are Floridians now and I feel the same way about southern Ohio where we formerely lived. We used to return there for a month every autumn. Our family still lives there, but we are no longer able to travel.
I miss the Fall season more than any other. Western NY was spectacular. We were there for a week in September which was too early for the colors. George says we will stay longer next time. Our four legged boys loved it. First time Arrow was out of the state of Florida.
We came back to Florida early this year but next year hope to stay longer to enjoy the changing seasons–although not the change to winter. That we’ll watch from Florida. I bet Arrow was in heaven.