Sunday Inspiration: Graduation

graduationIt’s that time of year again.

How many of you are participating in or witnessing a graduation this month?

There are so many graduations these days, from pre-school to post-graduate. But I find many of the university commencement speeches to be especially inspiring.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from this year’s speeches:
“College, as you will realize soon, is not an on-ramp to the HOV success laneIt’s OK to fail, but it’s not OK to quit — you have more strength in you physically and mentally than you know,” -Jim Cramer, founder of TheStreet at Bucknell University

You should rather find purpose than a job or a career. Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you need to fulfill.” -Chadwick Boseman, Black Panther’s leading man, at Howard University

“…in about an hour and a half you’re going to be catapulted into a world that appears to have gone off its rocker… And this is what I know: The problem is everybody is meeting hysteria with more hysteria, and then we just are all becoming hysterical, and it’s getting worse.” -Oprah at University of Southern California

“If we do not, as Americans, confront the crisis of ethics and integrity in our society, then American democracy, as we know it, is entering its twilight years.” -Rex Tillerson, ex-Secretary of State

At a time when women all over the world face physical abuse, restrictions on their ability to work, own property, travel, and even having custody over their children, we need courage. At a time when the LGBT community and every continent struggles for equal rights, freedom from imprisonment and even death, we need courage. At a time when more journalists are in prison around the world than at any time in the last three decades, and even here at home the media is under attack from the White House, we need courage. And at a time when our politicians try to conflate the terms refugee and terrorist and make us fear one another, we need courage.” -Amal Clooney, human rights attorney

Every individual has the tools, potential, and reach to build a better world. That makes this the best time to be alive…” -Tim Cook, Apple CEO

What would you say if you were invited to give a commencement speech?


  1. Nita Voleski on May 27, 2018 at 9:54 am

    I attended our grandson’s high school graduation yesterday. When I looked out at all 639 young people all I could think of was how much potential there was sitting there. Inspiring to see!

  2. Penny Prichard on May 28, 2018 at 9:31 am

    Inspiring quotes, thank you for compiling and sharing

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