The Great Migration is About to Begin
As I was planning what to write about today I realized my blog may temporarily be down on Wednesday. As I reported earlier my website is undergoing major revisions, and with luck, this is the week the old site disappears and the new one arrives. So this will be quick, just in case the blog still visible.
We’ve worked so hard to make my new website lovely to behold, easy and quick to download, and simple enough that any information you want will be right there at your fingertips.
I’m not sure what I like best. The new book pages, with a full chapter excerpt for each book, easy buy links, and my “author notes” so that you can discover what made me write each book in the first place. This means you can react in one of two ways. You can shake your head and say “so that’s what the poor dear was thinking…” or better, “I am so glad she had that moment of inspiration and shared it with us…”
Or maybe I like the home page best, with almost everything right there to enjoy without having to scout around. I particularly love the fact that my new book cover is front and center.
I really had little to do with the design other than answering a few questions up front about what I wanted. But my web folks are talented and easy to work with. Other than doing quite a bit of proofing to be sure the data and links were up to date, I just sat back and watched the site take shape. I did get to choose the color scheme, and I sure do love it.
Along with that, and like the Sandhill Cranes in the photo above, Proman and I are about to embark on our own migration. Very soon we’ll be heading north to our cottage in Western New York. We’ll see all our children along the way, first making a brief visit to Savannah, then on to Asheville–home of the Goddesses Anonymous–where we’ll eat at some of the city’s most delicious restaurants. Next we’ll enjoy the rolling hills of Charlottesville, Virginia, and finally on to Ohio where we’ll babysit our favorite seven-year-old and cuddle his three year old brother–if we can catch and hold him. With luck we’ll also get to see our granddaughter’s dance recital. That’s always a treat.
And then that annual phenomenon: BRAINSTORMING!!!
Yep. And even though brainstormer Kylie Logan may have to sleep on an air mattress, since the new downstairs bed won’t arrive until Father’s Day when my youngest son shows up with the mattress, she’s game to do it. Kylie is nothing if not a good sport.
So lots of migration happening here. I hope that your summer is shaping up, that projects you’ve worked hard on are coming to fruition, and that you have many things to look forward to as the weather warms.
I’ll keep you up to date, but if I miss a blog here and there while we’re getting settled, I know you will understand. Don’t worry, I will be back.
How perfect.
Take you time and lots of luck!?
Enjoy your migration