Sunday Inspiration: “Writing opened that door…”


Young funny man in glasses writing on typewriter

“Writing opened that door…to the divine, to some connection to the universe, to things that be… Writing makes me think, and thinking makes me write; and there is a circularity to that, to dive deeper into questions, into yourself, into your soul, into your mind and heart.” -Richard Blanco

I’m not a big poetry fan, but I’ve stumbled across some poems and poets that have blown me away. Richard Blanco is one of my favorite poets because he speaks from that deep place that connects to my spirit. Richard was interviewed here at Chautauqua the other day by Krista Tippet, the host of On Being, a popular Public Radio program. He told us that he was made in Cuba, assembled in Spain and imported to the United States. He lives in Miami now where he writes his poetry, much of which reflects the rich culture of that city. And did I mention that Richard was the inaugural poet for President Obama’s second inauguration?

If you want to know more about Richard and his poetry, you can find it here.


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