“Every single human being you pass by today is fighting to find peace and to push back fear; to get through their daily tasks without breaking down in front of the bananas or in the carpool line or at the post office…
“Everyone is grieving and worried and fearful, and yet none of them wear the signs, none of them have labels, and none of them come with written warnings reading, I’M STRUGGLING. BE KIND TO ME.
“And since they don’t, it’s up to you and me to look more closely and more deeply at everyone around us: at work or at the gas station or in the produce section, and to never assume they aren’t all just hanging by a thread. Because most people are hanging by a thread—and our simple kindness can be that thread.”
–from Stuff That Needs To Be Said by John Pavlovitz
These words were written before the Pandemic turned our world upside down, but they are so relevant today. The quote is also in John Pavlovitz’s new book. May we keep reminding ourselves to be kind, to be compassionate, to be gentle with each other, even though our own pain and grief makes it’s so hard to do so.
The usual reminder. I’m an Amazon Associate, so if you click on an Amazon link on any of my blog posts, I may receive a wee royalty. I am, however, a huge fan of all bookstores everywhere. Amazon’s the one that has linking down to a science.