Giveaway and Price Cut

GiveawaysHave I Got Deals For You!

The Giveaway:

I don’t spend a lot of time on promotion here, but that’s what today’s blog is about. I wanted to be sure that those of you who are not yet on my mailing list (monthly newsletter) have a chance to enter my latest giveaway and to learn about a price reduction on one of my eBooks in February.

Why does an author do a giveaway? Well, lots of reasons, all which revolve around helping readers find our books.

My latest giveaway is for an Amazon Fire HD8, as well as all three books in my Homecoming series loaded into it. Not sure what an Amazon Fire does? Click the link to learn everything you need to know.

A giveaway is my thank you to the loyal readers who have signed up for my monthly newsletter, where they learn more about what I’m doing and what’s coming out soon. While I can only give away one prize this month, I do giveaways often, and there’s another Amazon Fire in reserve to give away later this year.

As I said (you caught this, right?) the giveaway is for my newsletter subscribers, but you can sign up now and still be eligible to win. Sign up here, and remember if you decide later that you need a break, you can easily unsubscribe.

All the giveaway rules are on this page. Page down to “Limited Time Giveaway” and follow the rules.

I received a number of lovely “almost entries” that forgot to mention their favorite book of mine in the message box. So be sure you read all the rules and tell me your favorite. I’m keeping track for fun and I’ll tell you the results.

BTW, if you mentioned a number of books when you entered, you’re fine. I just counted the first book you mentioned. If you didn’t mention any?

Try again.

The giveaway ends on March 15th. No purchase is necessary, of course. If you need a refresher on my book titles, you’ll find them here.

The Price Cut:

In honor of Mardi Gras, and only for the month of February, we’ve reduced the price of The Unmasking to $.99–everywhere except Smashwords. You’ll find all the bookstore links to The Unmasking right here. If you’ve wanted to read it, or you need a shot of New Orleans carnival celebrations? Now’s the moment.

And speaking of New Orleans Mardi Gras. While there won’t be parades this year because of the pandemic, there are now “house” floats. Here’s a great article, complete with photos. You really can’t keep the good people of The City That Care Forgot down for long.

I wonder how Justin and Bethany decorated their house?


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