Sunday Inspiration: Beyond Van Gogh

Beyond Van Gogh

Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful.” -Van Gogh

I went to see the Beyond Van Gogh presentation last week with my husband and friends and found it amazing. The immersive show has been traveling around the country for the last several years, attracting many people to the opportunity to experience Van Gogh’s inspiring life and art. The photo is us, bathed in some of the colors of the exhibition.

There were many quotes by “Vincent,” but I especially liked the one above because it was such an essential part of his life. He looked for beauty everywhere and clearly found it. That’s why many of his paintings are of normal working people and their homes and gardens instead of the rich and famous.

I also believe that we are surrounded by beauty if we only open our eyes to it. I feel fortunate, in my own way and in a different medium, to try to share that beauty with the world.

I bet you share it in your way, too.


  1. Nancy Lepri on April 3, 2022 at 8:43 am

    How awesome!

  2. Terry Guerra on April 3, 2022 at 9:21 am

    Missed it when it came through here – heard it was great. So glad you and Proman got to see it!
    Love the photo!

  3. Linda P on April 3, 2022 at 10:40 am

    I walk everyday, sometimes with a friend. But when I’m alone and have gone over my to do list in my head, I try to find something I’ve not seen before. The number of trees in this row, the cloud patterns, critters, the trees budding, etc. Always changing, always pretty to my eyes.
    I read about the Van Gogh exhibit.. would have liked to see it. Way too far from where I am.

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