Sunday Inspiration: Oppression and Tolerance

Butterfly and toleranceWith all the tension around the killing of Freddie Gray by the police and the ensuing riots in Baltimore, I gravitated to these words by John Kennedy to remind me that tolerance is an active and compassionate decision to accept people for who they are and not to judge them based on what others believe.

Tolerance applies to all people, to the rioters, the police, as well as the victims of violence, but we cannot be tolerant of acts that dehumanize or persecute others. So many people are harmed by these acts, but I am inspired by all those who have peacefully refused to accept brutality.

May we always choose tolerance over persecution and hatred.


  1. Terry Guerra on May 3, 2015 at 7:08 am

    Timely words of wisdom. A message that needs to be heard around the world.

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