Sand, Sea and Renewal

So yes, I disappeared for longer than expected this month, leaving “Resolutions or Revolutions?” to hold my place here in case new readers happened to stumble on Southern Exposure while I was farther south than usual in Florida.  And no, I wasn’t fomenting revolution, although I was working on my personal version, spending more time with my husband and with friends as part of the promises I made to myself in 2010.

Thumbnail image for IMG_1169.JPGI had the great pleasure of spending four days on Sanibel Island as my first stop. 
Sanibel is not the setting for Happiness Key, which comes out next July, but it’s close enough that I saw scenes from the book everywhere we went. This was one of those “0” anniversaries we as a culture love to make so much of.  In addition to reconnecting, without all the ephemera of our usual life, walking for hours on the beach and eating glorious seafood dinners, we also enjoyed the sand art creations of anonymous sculptors who brightened our evening walks with their creativity. 
One of the photos had a sign that accompanied it and a website.  You can find the artist here

Thumbnail image for IMG_1132.JPGThe sculptures were reminders of the myriad ways we express ourselves.  Give these artists a stretch of white sand beach, a collection of free shells, seaweed and water, the opportunity to mix it all together, and the people who followed behind them were dazzled by their creativity.  I know, because I was a definite dazzlee.  Their creativity enriched my lovely holiday.


IMG_1138.JPGEnjoy my photos, and imagine the sound of waves and the warmth of sunshine. With the east coast locked in single digits this week, we need as much warmth as possible.  Next blog, I’ll tell you about the rest of my trip and my own forays into creativity with some of my favorite writing buddies.  They may be some of yours, as well. 




  1. Marna on January 19, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    Wow, those sand people look so real, I at first thought it was some sort of sandy performance art!

  2. Emilie Richards on January 19, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    They were so beautifully done, and there was so much more. Some I just couldn’t capture with my camera. But what a treat to see.

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