How Can I Keep From Singing?

What’s the payoff for a cold, rainy spring?  A sunny warm day when the world bursts into bloom.  We’re having one of those today, and I wanted to share it with you.  Here are some photos quickly taken in my garden along with the words to one of my favorite hymns of praise, written in 1860 by American Baptist minister, Robert Wadsworth Lowrey and later revised by Pete Seeger.  I hope you enjoy.


Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Phlox by waterfall.jpgMy life flows on in endless song

Above earth’s lamentation


Wood poppies.jpgI hear the real, though far off hymn

That hails the new creation


Thumbnail image for Forget me nots.jpgThrough all the tumult and the strife

I hear the music ringing


Brunnera1.jpgIt finds an echo in my soul

How can I keep from singing?

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