The Wild Blue Yonder–New Zealand, Blizzards, Movies, and My Novels
We take so many things for granted. You know that already, I’m sure, but recently I’ve had the lesson significantly reinforced. For instance, hopping a plane and arriving on time. Or at least on the right day. Or at worst, the right week.
Those of you who visit my Facebook page know that after two lovely months in Florida, then another week in Sarasota with my brainstorming group, I was marooned in Tampa by the back to back blizzards that hit my home in the Washington DC area. As some of you pointed out, this was no time to whine. I should have been down on my knees saying prayers of gratitude I was snug and warm with my wonderful brother and sister-in-law instead of shoveling snow.
Truthfully, despite that timely reminder, I’ve been more worried than grateful. Because on Sunday, I’m scheduled to fly again, this time to New Zealand to see two of my novels filmed for television movies to be shown in Germany. This is truly a trip of a lifetime, so I’ve been understandably concerned I might not get home in time to make that flight. Right now it looks as if I’ll be able to fly home this afternoon, but at worst, I should be able to find another flight out tomorrow.
I’ll be away for ten days, and may not be able to blog down under, although I’m hoping to. At worst I can promise I’ll store up lots to tell you when I return. Polyphon, the film production company, is shooting two of my novels now, ending one and beginning another. So hopefully I’ll see some action on both. My wonderful husband will be with me, and promises to be my photographer.
For fun? Can you guess which of my novels they’ll be filming? A hint. Click here for a list of my old series romances. The two they’ll film are listed under Silhouette Romances. Yes, they’re that old, but I know they’ll be freshly updated. I’ll tell you all about it.
One guess per person, guess one book only. Everyone who gets one of the two will be entered in a drawing for something fun and funky (and cheap) from New Zealand and an autographed copy of one of my more recent novels. If no one gets either novel right, I’ll draw from all the guesses.
Email your answer. I’ll announce the winner once I return at month’s end.
So off to the Tampa airport I go for the first leg of this journey. Wherever you are, stay safe and warm.
Meantime, don’t forget to comment on my blog about author Mary Alice Monroe to enter a drawing to win her autographed novel The Four Seasons. You have until March 1.