The Challenging Life of a Minister’s Wife–An Interview With Aggie Sloan-Wilcox

Please welcome today’s guest, Aggie Sloan-Wilcox, who has chosen this interview over the Women’s Society monthly meeting at her church. The Women’s Society’s guest speaker will be Browning Kefauver, Emerald Springs’ mayor, who may be running for re-election next year against the Women’s Society’s own Sally Berrigan. Aggie preferred not to witness the slaughter.

Of course “slaughter” is never a good word to use when introducing Aggie. She’s just a wee bit defensive about her reputation and admits to becoming more so in the past few years. Unfortunately Aggie’s name has fast become synonymous with murder in the peaceful little Ohio town where her husband is the minister of the Consolidated Community Church. The church has a long, honorable tradition as well as far too many members either charged with murder or, well, worse.

The good news? After settling into the Tri-C parsonage, Aggie discovered she has a talent for bringing murderers to justice. The corresponding bad news? She’s not always very quick about it.

So without further introduction–because this one is getting worse and worse–let’s welcome Aggie to the blog this morning.

Aggie, your upbringing was not traditional. Your mother supported you and your sisters by traveling the craft show circuit and selling her handiwork. Your father lives in a survivalist compound in Indiana. Tell us what you learned from both?

Thanks for inviting me (I think), although it surprises me that my reputation has extended so far from Emerald Springs. Just for the record, I’m sure it’s complete coincidence that since I arrived in Ohio, the murder rate in town has skyrocketed. Junie, my mother, claims that according to the I Ching, because of my modesty and compassion, the benevolent will of heaven flows through me to right the wrongs in the world. Ray, my father, says the murders are just another sign of a vast international conspiracy to bring chaos to every household in North America.

I’m sorry, what was your question?

That’s all right. Let’s move on. You weren’t happy when your husband accepted the call to Tri-C. You had to leave an urban area you loved and trade it for a small, conservative Midwestern town. Have you learned to love Emerald Springs anyway?

We are happy in Emerald Springs, although finding a permanent job for me has proved to be a problem.

Some people might say solving murders is your job.

I’m sure I’m going to be out of work then. How many murders can one small town experience? There has to be a limit, right?

You’ve made some unlikely friends since your move to town. Lucy Jacobs, a single professional with an active social life, and Detective Sergeant Kirkor Roussos, who seems to have a fond spot for you. Some of us wonder if these two should get together.

Count me among the wonderers. In fact Lucy is acting very mysterious about a new man in her life, and  Roussos sure isn’t talking. I may have to start surveillance.

Some people say episodes of your life have a remarkable similarity to certain Old Testament stories. Are they way off base?

Off base? Not sure. But I’m continually surprised at how few people would recognize an Old Testament story if it unfolded in their own living room.

And finally, what do you have planned in the upcoming months? Any new surprises in store?

Well, Tri-C is celebrating its 150th anniversary, and as you can imagine, there are some major events planned. Former ministers are coming to town to preach, including one who had moved back for the whole year with his wife. We’re a little worried those two may try to take over the church, but I guess there are worse problems. Meantime, I’m busy putting together a volume of church history. Long departed church members are much less critical of the minister’s family than those who are still breathing.

We send our best wishes to Ed, Deena and Teddy. Oh, and Moonpie and the guinea pigs. We hope all of you have a good, uneventful year.

Wait, I didn’t get to ask you anything. That doesn’t seem fair.

No problem, Aggie. We’ll do that the next time we meet.

Watch for A Truth For A Truth, published by Berkley Prime Crime, in early October in the mystery section of your favorite bookstore.


  1. Debbie Haupt on September 20, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    loved the interview Emilie and Aggie, great answers.
    I love the whole series

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