Jumping Off the Merry-Go-Round
There I was reading Everyday Foods magazine while my granddaughter chattered beside me. “I get this at home,” I told my son-in-law, “but I haven’t had time to read it in a year.” There was a silence, then he said, “You know, something’s wrong with that, Mom.”
Indeed there is.
First, on the subject of Everyday Foods. Great little magazine. Great simple recipes. Lots of vegetarian fare for those of us interested in at least cutting down on meat. It’s compact, easy to get through in ten minutes, but despite that, each month when it arrives, I simply stack it to look at later. Only “later” rarely comes.
I’m not imagining that life moves faster these days. Before arriving to be with family in Ohio last week, I was rising before the sun, running full speed, and falling exhausted into bed at midnight. You might well have been, too. Most of us are working harder, worried about keeping jobs because so many people are losing them. Lending a hand where it’s most needed while our country fights on two battlefields and friends and family are losing homes to banks with little interest in setting things right.
It’s a difficult time for so many. So we run faster, farther, harder. Sometimes we find ourselves back where we started when the day comes to a close.
There is definitely something wrong with getting a magazine I never take the time to read. I guess I have two choices. I can end my subscription, or I can put my feet up once a month, page through and pull out the recipes I’d like to try next. Simplify my life, or take a little time off to dream and plan. Both have merit.
What doesn’t have merit? Stacking magazines to read someday when I have the time. I needed a reminder that life happens now, not later. Thanks to my son-in-law, I got one.
I think maybe I’ll go make chicken noodle soup from scratch before I proof the edits of my new book. There was this wonderful recipe on page . . .