Sunday Poetry: Not the Inside of Stone

Welcome to Sunday Poetry.   If this is your first visit you can read about the purpose and inspiration of my Sunday poetry blogs here.

Today’s poem was written by Mary Oliver, one of my favorite poets and someone whose work has graced this blog several times since its inception. Recently she became seriously ill and cancelled all her upcoming appearances to focus on treatment.  Under the circumstances, this poem seems particularly appropriate, which may be why it appeared in my email from the Library of Congress Poetry 180 project this morning.

I know from your email and Facebook posts that many of you are grappling with serious illness or the illness of loved ones.   Today’s poem, Walking to Oak-Head Pond, and Thinking of the Ponds I Will Visit in the Next Days and Weeks isn’t about death so much as it is about our ability to place our faith in the future.  And since today is Easter, this seems particularly appropriate.

Like many others all over the world, I send prayers for Mary Oliver’s recovery.

Remember there are no quizzes here, no right ways to read or contemplate the poem we share.  Absolutely no dissecting allowed.  Just come along for the “read.”  What line, word or thought will you carry with you this week?  If you’d like to tell us where the poem took you?  We’ll listen.

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