With the Greatest of Regrets, I Cannot . . .
The New Year is a time for resolutions. I bet you made some, right? Mine were pretty simple. Spend more time exploring my new homes and less time staring at computer screens. Do you think that means less writing? Nah. It just means that I’m going to fill my personal well more frequently, which should result in more, not fewer, novels.
This year, though, I’ve also begun thinking of things I can’t do. Do you have a list like that? Not to be negative and take all the positive energy out of New Year’s resolutions, but maybe thinking about the things we can’t or refuse to do isn’t a bad idea either. After all, having boundaries is important.
So to get started, here are a few of mine. Share your own, if you feel so inclined.
- I won’t jump to conclusions. I will continue reciting the following quote from Don Miguel Ruiz (posted on my Wisdom of the Goddesses board on Pinterest.) “There’s a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.” I’ve been working on this for several months, and it’s surprisingly helpful. I’m finding that if I remind myself not to take things personally, interesting doors open. I look forward to memorizing more of the inspirational thoughts from the board.
- I will not get involved in squabbles or negative gossip. I will not choose sides or add my two cents worth. While my husband is no longer an active minister, I won’t forget the lessons I’ve learned along the way about organizations.
- I cannot, will not, critique the work of other writers or offer advice about their career path. Years of experience has shown me that no matter how tactful I am or how careful to mix praise with suggestions, suggestions are never welcome. I have good friends who can slough it off, and they’ll probably still get a dose here and there, but I will be extra vigilant this year and head off requests by referring them to this blog. It’s the best possible way to preserve relationships, something I’m keen on doing in 2013
- I will not set goals I can’t meet, but rather I will turn my eyes in the right direction and pay attention to what I see and experience along the way. It’s quite possible new and better goals will present themselves if I take the time to notice.
So there they are. Things I’m not going to do this year, my “To Don’t” list. A new year is a built-in beginning. I don’t want to squander mine. How about you?
Love, love, love it! Never thought about “don’ts” I can certainly relate to some of these, particularly number 4. Number 1 was an eye opener and I’ll check out your posting.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
The same to you, Wendy.