Sunday Inspiration: Helping Girls Get On The Write Path

CreativityI really like this story: Helping teen girls get on the ‘write’ path.

Not only is this a true story about an inspirational woman who is both compassionate and gutsy, but helping girls develop their creativity as writers is a subject dear to my heart.

When Karen Taylor was laid off from her corporate job, instead of using her severance pay to cover her bills, she started a non-profit to establish a creative writing program for at-risk girls in Los Angeles.

Can you imagine facing a multitude of problems every day, including poverty, gangs, and inadequate schools, then suddenly having the opportunity to express your deepest emotions as a writer? Imagine feeling as if nobody ever listened to you, and suddenly your thoughts are special and valued?

What an incredible gift to these girls and to our society.

Have you ever been given an unexpected opportunity to develop your creativity? Do you remember how it felt?  Have you returned the gift by giving someone else a chance?

Karen Taylor did and she’s an inspiration to me.

Photo by Sean MacEntee on

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