The Top 25 Weirdest Laws in the U.S.
I first saw this infographic on Lee Lofland’s The Graveyard Shift, a terrific blog for anyone interested in police work or in writing about it.
I met Lee at a Writer’s Police Academy event in Ohio some years ago when I was working on my Ministry is Murder series. Since that time he’s moved the academy to Greensborough, NC, and it’s quite an amazing way to spend a long weekend. If you’re interested in criminology, this is great fun.
I loved this, and saved it for you because I know you’ll get a kick out of it, too. Notice how many laws pertain to animals?
What else can I say? If you live in any of these states, beware!
Still wondering if we’ve seen the end of Aggie or if there will ever be another (or many) Ministry is Murder…
I’m not sure. So any books interfered. But at this time, we’ll just have to see.