Sunday Inspiration: “Summer is a time when wonderful things can happen…”

LiamInPool“summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people. for those few months, you’re not required to be who everyone thinks you are, and that cut-grass smell in the air and the chance to dive into the deep end of a pool give you a courage you don’t have the rest of the year. you can be grateful and easy, with no eyes on you, and no past. summer just opens the door and lets you out.”
― Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

Summer does seem to give us permission to be a new person, doesn’t it?

The warm weather and fresh air makes me feel a little lighter, freer and more adventurous.

Midway through the summer, how’s your summer-self doing?

What adventures have you had, and what adventures await you?


  1. Joni on July 27, 2014 at 10:18 am

    In Sept my husband & I are flying to Tampa from Ohio meeting friends we are renting a Harley and will travel the Tamani trail to Key West and back !

    • Emilie Richards on July 28, 2014 at 9:43 am

      You’re going to have so much fun.

  2. Karen Burshnick on July 30, 2014 at 10:31 am

    My 55th high school reunion is in September, and I plan to attend. Our class has met every five years since we graduated. Many of us went from kindergarten until our senior year together. We have lost 12 classmates in the last five years so our reunions are becoming bittersweet. Many of us also do not live in our hometown anymore so it is even more special to go back for a visit.

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