Sunday Inspiration: Famous Failures
I wish I could have shown this video about famous failures to my kids when they were growing up, though it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at this whatever age you are and about once a month.
No matter how talented and smart and beautiful and charming you are, life has a way of putting in your path one obstacle after another, some small and easily managed and others that seem as big as a mountain.
Failure is not the inability to get through an obstacle; it’s giving up because we are afraid we won’t make it.
As J.K. Rowling put it, “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”
So celebrate your successes, but celebrate your failures as well because they are your path to success and happiness.
How have you failed lately? Can you pat yourself on the back for trying?