The Blog That Isn’t Today

Female Writer from IstockJust a quick heads-up. I’m nearly finished editing my latest book, When We Were Sisters. I hoped to blog today, but the book keeps calling. So tune in next week and I’ll be back. I’m planning to tell you all about this final stage of writing a novel.

If I survive it.

For those of you who check in at regular intervals, from here on in I will most likely be blogging on Wednesdays, instead of Tuesdays, since Tuesday is just a bit too close to my Sunday Inspiration blogs. And watch for a newsletter soon.

Until then. . .



  1. wendy on October 14, 2015 at 6:56 pm

    Hi Emilie -I’m already in awe of you being able to do FB, blog, webpage, etc. – as well as your book writing!

    Looking forward to your blog post.

  2. Terry Guerra on October 16, 2015 at 12:49 am

    Hi Emilie,

    Wondering what you do in your spare time? As always, looking forward to your upcoming book!


    • Emilie Richards on October 16, 2015 at 8:58 am

      Spare time? At the end of a book that’s the time when I eat and sleep.

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