Sunday Inspiration: Mature Love

Mature LoveHappy Valentine’s Day everyone.  So what is this day all about? For many it’s an opportunity for some special attention, and for others it can be painful and lonely.

Remember Erich Fromm? The Art of Love was one of my favorite books in college because he had such a deep understanding of the dynamics of relationships.

When we’re young we tend to base our love on our own selfish needs, but as we grow older we hopefully see that love is what pulls us out of ourselves so that we can connect not only with one person but with those around us.

“If I truly love one person, I love all persons, I love the world, I love life,” wrote Fromm. When we fall in love with one person the gates swing sloly open to enlarge our circle of love wider and wider.

I hope you will find a way to express your love today not only for your special beloved but to all those who have shared their life and love with you. Pick up that phone or that pen. Wave at a neighbor. And don’t forget to hug your dog, your kitty or sing along with the birds outside your window. All living things will enjoy a little extra love today. I hope you are among them.


  1. Bonnie Sheeley on February 15, 2016 at 11:26 am

    I recently discovered your books… are my favorite author. I’ve read all the Happiness Keys and the Shenandoah Quilt books…..I will get the rest from my library on inter lib. Loan….You write so well and about the Appalachians and Shenandoah Vally….all places I love…..keep,writing, you are the best….Sincerely, Bonnie Sheeley, BA MLS……

    • Emilie Richards on February 15, 2016 at 11:34 am

      I’m delighted you’ve found my books, Bonnie.

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