Sunday Inspiration: Look Into Your Heart


Look into your heart“Look into your own heart; discover what it is that gives you pain. And then refuse, under any circumstances whatsoever, to inflict that pain on anybody else.” -Karen Armstrong

The Charter for Compassion, is a worldwide movement created by religious leader Karen Armstrong and dedicated to building a peaceful world through compassion.

Take a look around. You’ll find many inspiring quotes on the website as well a copy of the Charter that has been signed by many world and religious leaders.

The quote above is at the heart of compassion — the refusal to inflict the pain we have felt on others. That refusal is at the heart of all religions.

Can you imagine what our lives and our world would be like if we dedicated ourselves to healing instead of hurting each other?


  1. Penny A L Prichard on September 18, 2016 at 3:47 am

    I’ve been pondering similar questionsfor about a year now.

    I got involved in an organization that I really enjoy but was enjoying much less than previously. There are some folks involved in the leadership who I find to be too assertive. I do not think that their decisions are in the best interests of the organization. I realized that I was associating with the wrong folks. There are a large number of people in this organization whose company I really enjoy. Shame on me for allowing myself to get caught up with mean people.

    The other aspect of this question, for me is political. Remember the good old days when folks running for public office tried to show voters how qualified they were to hold public office? Remember when politicians used phrases like “my worthy opponent” and “my esteemed colleague”? Remember when they took responsibility for their actions even to the point of apologizing when they did something that caused another harm?

    Years ago I read Scott Peck’s book, People of the Lie. Like he, I am not encouraging you to read this book, it will mess with your mind. It is a very good, thought provoking book but his discussions of good and evil are tough to handle. I read this book 25 or so years ago and it still influences me.

    Sorry, I digress.

    In this book Peck places some of the blame for the deterioration of our society on people’s unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. He discusses the tragedy that took place in the early 70’s known as Mi Lia. He read the court transcripts and no one took responsibility for their part in this. “I didn’t drop the bomb, I just flew the plane”. I didn’t do X, I just did Y.

    We are all part of a larger society, we are all responsible for our part in making sure that wr live in a fair and just world. I cannot be responsible for your actions but I am 100% responsible for mine.

  2. Glenna russell on September 18, 2016 at 11:51 am

    I enjoy all of the Sunday comments. Have read most of your books. Especially enjoyed ONE MOUNTAIN AWAY AND the sequel.

    • Emilie Richards on September 28, 2016 at 10:21 am

      So glad you’re enjoying Sunday Inspiration, Glenna. One Mountain and the three Goddesses books that came after were some of my favorites to write.

  3. Nancy Lepri on September 18, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    This is what the world needs…more healing and less hurting!

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