Sunday Inspiration: “We’re all stories…”
“We’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one.”
Did you know that Dove candy wrappers have quotations on them, and some good ones, including the one above?
Don’t ask me how I know.
Well, I am on vacation, (that’s Asilomar on the coast in the photos) so I figure I deserve a little treat or two, especially when it gives me an inspirational quotation.
I do enjoy reading good stories as well as struggling to write them. I think of good stories as food for the soul.
But the best story of all is the one each of us lives. The Dove candy quote was a timely reminder that I am the star of my own story, just as you are of yours, and we need to work even harder to make the story of our lives meaningful and memorable. And nobody can judge whether we’ve accomplished that except we, the authors.
The past two weeks of vacationing in California will make memorable chapters for me. How is your story coming?
Oh, so true, Emilie! Thank you for the reminder!
Enjoy your vacation!
Long time, no comment, Emilie. Just read “A Family of Strangers” and loved it. The suspense was intriguing, and I was pleased with the ending, especially for the children. As parents, it’s easy to look the other way so to speak. (Don’t want to reveal a spoiler alert for those who have not yet read it.) We left the mountains of NC a year ago this month to move to the Atlanta area to be near our children, grands and soon-to-be five greats! We lived with our daughter for ten months, searching four our scale-down, forever home, with no stairs and no yard work. Searching for a home all those months and then the move-in when we finally closed on a home, has taken its toll. My mind has finally validated my age. We are settling in and I’m trying to get back to things I truly love, responding to your messages being an important one. Love the Dove quote and I hope my story ending will be acceptable to those in my life. Enjoy your vacation, you deserve the best available. Looking forward to the next book.
My daughter is also very fond of Dove chocolates, so when I visit her in FL I “sacrifice” and help her eat some. I kept getting wrappers that said “Book Your Flight Now,” so I guess I’m destined to keep traveling, like you are.
More importantly, I especially like your quote about our lives telling a story and “we need to work even harder to make the story of our lives meaningful and memorable. ” I am co-leading a Bible study this fall called “The Lamb of God” by Nancy Guthrie. This week’s lesson is called “What is Your Story?” and she make much the same point.
Last but not least, I also finished reading “A Family of Strangers” this weekend, and I love that story, too. I was a bit disappointed, but not surprised, when I found out “whodunnit.” Keep on writing these great books for us.