Sunday Inspiration: Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.

Today’s gift to all of us is this moving poem “To The Moms Out There Who Love Someone On the Autism Spectrum,” by Kerry Magro, an autistic man who grew up with a mom who supported and challenged him as a child and adult.

A lot of what Kerry says about his mother is true for most mothers, whether they are biological, adoptive, foster or simply loving women who help the children in their lives who need them. Though our children may not be on the autism scale, all  children are unique and none are easy to raise, especially during these challenging times. To be a good mother requires a diverse combination of talents and skills and an unending sense of commitment and dedication.

No matter what kind of “mother” you are, I hope your Mothers Day is filled with gratitude for your amazing accomplishments. I hope you are filled with a deep satisfaction and pride for your achievements. And I hope you forgive yourself for any perceived mistakes or shortcomings that may lessen your joy.

Today is a day to celebrate. Enjoy it.


  1. Pat Kennedy on May 10, 2020 at 8:29 am

    My children are the greatest joy of my life. They are both grown and gone from the nest. They are both smarter than I could have ever imagined. Yes, they had a few times while growing up that tested me. But like childbirth, the pain fades.

    But today at 36 and 31, they are my greatest joy, my happiest accomplishment, and I thank the Good Lord for the blessing of allowing me to care for them, nurture them and the privilege of being their Mom. From the very smallest piece of me, I love my children. Thanks be to God for them.

  2. Nancy C Lepri on May 10, 2020 at 11:12 am

    Happy Mother’s Day, Em!!!! 💙n

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